Meet the Team Dedicated to Simplifying Your Cybersecurity

About Us

Our Story

When it comes to governance and cybersecurity, the financial sector is constantly evolving, striving for stability and prioritizing security. Financial institutions face an array of challenges when it comes to compliance management and user access reviews, ranging from the complexities of banking software to the growing demands of regulatory compliance.

Our co-founder, Scott McIlrath, began his tenure as an IT leader at a bank working through two core conversions. As if that weren’t enough, he also had to deal with his first regulatory exam just a few months into the job. One of Scott’s strengths is his ability to put a process in place when challenges arise, so at his bank, he initiated a process to make sure they were always ready for exams.

Scott’s talent and dedication to simplify the way information security is governed in banking was a major catalyst for the creation of Finosec. Our leadership understands the pressing need for streamlined and validated solutions to create efficient cybersecurity management in this intricate and complicated environment, and we are passionate about helping financial institutions meet these multifaceted challenges.


Our Mission

To empower financial institutions with the best tools, resources and expertise to achieve their governance goals.

We want to help you automate those critical, yet labor-intensive tasks essential for secure banking systems, from systems access rights management to successful IT audits and FFIEC IT Exams.

Our Vision

To create a world for financial institutions where cybersecurity is streamlined and simple.

We believe that governance should not be a burden, but an opportunity for you to improve your security posture, compliance status and business performance.

Our Purpose

Our company’s purpose statement ends with LOVE, SERVE, GIVE. We believe that if we LOVE our employees unlike any other, that LOVE will flow into the way we SERVE our customers, and because of that we will be able to GIVE back in exceptional ways.


Our Leadership Team

Zach Duke

Zach Duke
CEO and Co-Founder

Scott McIlrath

Scott McIlrath
CTO and Co-Founder

Beth Fox Sumner

Beth Fox Sumner
VP Customer Success

Thomas Bostwick

Thomas Bostwick
Director of Product Development

Andrew Mills

Andrew Mills
Director of Business Development & Partnerships

Michael Shields

Michael Shields
Director of Product Delivery

The Heartbeat of Finosec: Finosec Forward

In the midst of reports, dashboards and algorithms, we found something profoundly human—a desire to make a larger impact.

At its core, Finosec is not just about systems and software; it’s about serving with purpose. Our initiative, Finosec Forward, embodies our commitment to placing others at the forefront, transcending beyond our professional roles and into our communities.

Championed by our belief in harnessing our God-given talents, we dedicate ourselves to serving beyond our industry, touching lives and making a tangible difference. We extend an invitation to all to join us in this purpose-driven journey.

What Makes Regi Ranger Different?

Unlike generic AI assistants, Regi Ranger is specifically trained in financial regulation and industry best practices. This ensures you receive information that’s directly relevant to your needs, saving you time sifting through irrelevant results and providing a level of accuracy you can trust.

Regi also curates and analyzes data from regulatory handbooks to deliver actionable insight and clear steps to strengthen your security posture.


The Benefits of Regi Ranger

When you’re preparing for exams, it’s easy to struggle with information overload and outdated resources. Regi Ranger will help you avoid these pitfalls. Here’s how:

Unmatched Accuracy

We built Regi’s vast repository from validated sources within regulatory handbooks, so you know the information is up-to-date and trustworthy.

Actionable Insight

Regi doesn’t just inform you, he empowers you. Get clear, actionable steps to strengthen your current policies and procedures.

Effortless Policy Creation

Streamline policy and procedure development with Regi’s user-friendly assistance.

Prioritized Information

Cut through the noise and misinformation that can come from using generative AI on your own. Regi sorts and delivers information based on your specific priorities and needs.

Confidence in Every Step

Approach exams with FINOSEC peace of mind, knowing you have the latest information and best practices at your fingertips.

It takes an overwhelming amount of time and resources for financial institutions to prepare for exams, remain in compliance, and keep up with the latest cybersecurity trends. Even with the fear of being unprepared for an exam, we understand the uncertainty and hesitation you may have toward AI.

Rest assured, Regi Ranger is built with security in mind, providing a safe and reliable source of information. With a few clicks, you’ll gain instant access to a wealth of security expertise that will position you to approach exams with confidence .

Stop Treading Water, Start Thriving

Don’t let exam preparation slow you down. With Regi Ranger and the FINOSEC Exam Readiness Dashboard, you’ll transform challenges into opportunities. Contact us to see Regi in action and discover how it can elevate your exam readiness and information security posture.

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