We Automate How You Regulate So You Can Celebrate


Financial institutions face a myriad of challenges in information security. The task of managing cybersecurity governance has grown increasingly complex, and with the ongoing evolution of FFIEC guidelines and IT audits, regulatory pressures mount even further.

And, as the industry grapples with a talent shortage, it’s become more difficult to find skilled security professionals. The inefficiencies of outdated systems and manual procedures further intensify your compliance burden. Additionally, escalating cyber insurance requirements ensure maintaining business continuity in today’s banking sector is a formidable challenge.

That’s where Finosec comes in. Our job is to make your job easier, and our specialized solutions in governance automation and user access reporting directly address these challenges.

Click below to learn more about our infosec governance and user access reporting solutions.

InfoSec Governance
User Access Reporting

How You Benefit from Our Solutions

Automated Risk Assessments

Eliminate manual processes for good. Our compliance automation software refines risk assessment for better accuracy.

Real-Time Reporting

Equip your executives with on-the-spot insight on exam readiness, streamlining user access review.

Policy Management

Get the tools you need to manage policies effectively, whether you're using our templates or your own.

Exception and Incident Tracking

Consolidate governance processes so you can efficiently track and respond to every discrepancy and incident.

Peer Comparisons

Assess your institution's performance and benchmark against industry standards with our platform.

What Makes Regi Ranger Different?

Unlike generic AI assistants, Regi Ranger is specifically trained in financial regulation and industry best practices. This ensures you receive information that’s directly relevant to your needs, saving you time sifting through irrelevant results and providing a level of accuracy you can trust.

Regi also curates and analyzes data from regulatory handbooks to deliver actionable insight and clear steps to strengthen your security posture.


The Benefits of Regi Ranger

When you’re preparing for exams, it’s easy to struggle with information overload and outdated resources. Regi Ranger will help you avoid these pitfalls. Here’s how:

Unmatched Accuracy

We built Regi’s vast repository from validated sources within regulatory handbooks, so you know the information is up-to-date and trustworthy.

Actionable Insight

Regi doesn’t just inform you, he empowers you. Get clear, actionable steps to strengthen your current policies and procedures.

Effortless Policy Creation

Streamline policy and procedure development with Regi’s user-friendly assistance.

Prioritized Information

Cut through the noise and misinformation that can come from using generative AI on your own. Regi sorts and delivers information based on your specific priorities and needs.

Confidence in Every Step

Approach exams with FINOSEC peace of mind, knowing you have the latest information and best practices at your fingertips.

It takes an overwhelming amount of time and resources for financial institutions to prepare for exams, remain in compliance, and keep up with the latest cybersecurity trends. Even with the fear of being unprepared for an exam, we understand the uncertainty and hesitation you may have toward AI.

Rest assured, Regi Ranger is built with security in mind, providing a safe and reliable source of information. With a few clicks, you’ll gain instant access to a wealth of security expertise that will position you to approach exams with confidence .

Stop Treading Water, Start Thriving

Don’t let exam preparation slow you down. With Regi Ranger and the FINOSEC Exam Readiness Dashboard, you’ll transform challenges into opportunities. Contact us to see Regi in action and discover how it can elevate your exam readiness and information security posture.

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