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Zach Duke

Why You Need to Know Every System for Every Employee

Why You Need to Know Every System for Every Employee

Are you confident that your bank has clear and thorough visibility to every employee’s physical and digital access to systems? If you’re like most banks we work with, the answer to this question is “no”. There are many challenges that make tracking employee access...

My Epiphany of AI During a Session With My Therapist

My Epiphany of AI During a Session With My Therapist

For over a year now, every Tuesday, the Finosec team has been holding a meeting to discuss how we are leveraging AI personally, at work, and in our platform. These weekly meetings have consistently focused on sharing the impact of AI for each of us personally and the...

AI -The New Gutenberg Printing Press

AI -The New Gutenberg Printing Press

For those of you who don’t know me or my family well, we are a Disney family. For those of you who just rolled your eyes, bear with me, this article isn’t just about Disney. It’s about a lightbulb moment I had while riding Epcot’s Spaceship Earth, which illustrates the journey of human progress from the dawn of time. 

The area shows before the printing press how communication was handled; handwritten copies and one-to-one conversations. Then you see society’s leap from the written word to the digital age and computers.  Just as the ride highlighted the milestone and impact of Gutenberg’s printing press, I found myself contemplating AI’s place in our future and the striking realization that the two journeys are more similar than they are different.

Navigating Cyber Insurance: Are You Really Covered? Critical Lessons Learned

Navigating Cyber Insurance: Are You Really Covered? Critical Lessons Learned

In the evolving state of cybersecurity, financial institutions grapple with the challenge of safeguarding their digital and financial assets against cyber threats. Cyber insurance has emerged as a critical component of risk management strategies. However, the complexities surrounding these policies, particularly regarding coverage in the event of a breach, can leave many organizations vulnerable.

Integrating FFIEC Authentication Guidance: A Blueprint for Your Next Exam With Insights from Recent Regulatory Actions

Integrating FFIEC Authentication Guidance: A Blueprint for Your Next Exam With Insights from Recent Regulatory Actions

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Authentication Guidance update in August 2021 has marked a significant step towards enhancing authentication and security access measures within financial institutions. This update expanded upon previous handbooks from 2005 and 2011, emphasizing a broader scope that now includes employees, third-party vendors, and system-to-system communications via APIs.

Partnering for Peace of Mind and Effective Oversight

Partnering for Peace of Mind and Effective Oversight

Pendleton Community Bank, a $700 Million Dollar Bank with 133 Employees in Franklin, WV, led by CEO Bill Loving, faced a critical challenge when their Information Security Officer departed, leaving a significant void in their oversight capabilities. Their goal was clear: establish an effective process for information security governance and cybersecurity oversight to ensure compliance and peace of mind.

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