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Finosec and FinTech Cowboys

By Finosec

March 10, 2022

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The landscape of cyber risk, and the equal and opposite best practices, is an ever evolving, ever growing, moving target. Staying abreast of the latest recommendations and regulatory expectations can be a daunting task, but it isn’t one that has to be faced alone. Partnerships between community banks and the right FinTech can make all the difference. Zach Duke, CEO and Founder of Finosec, sits down with the FinTech Cowboys at FedFis to discuss the nuances of the industry and share their mutual belief that these partnerships help ensure everyone can win. Built on the idea that everyone deserves simple cybersecurity governance, Zach shares how Finosec comes alongside community bankers to meet those challenges head on. Furthermore, they discuss how, in a technology saturated environment, trust and integrity are still the heart of these successes. Watch the video below and check out the notes after the break.

The interview between Zach and the FinTech Cowboys, Dave and Tanner, isn’t just to discuss the latest gadget, service, or technological advancement. Instead, they are earnestly looking at how to best serve the local community banks in a financial and regulatory climate like no other. Zach talks about starting Finosec before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how valuable Dave’s feedback was as he started the journey. More than just a financial investment, Zach recalls how FedFis wanted to “facilitate that through conversations, and discussions, and processes,” which presented tremendous value to a burgeoning FinTech like Finosec. He goes on to say that their continued support helped many other FinTechs in the midst of the pandemic. 

“I want to see the products get to the bankers so that everybody wins,” Dave says as Tanner echoes the sentiment and talks about the stability that is established when trust is built on fact for these institutions. FedFis’ phrase “Truth In Banking” is more than just a tagline: it’s a belief that trust and integrity are the ultimate heart of seeing these banking and FinTech partnerships succeed.

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