Access management is a critical component of cybersecurity and compliance, especially for financial institutions where security expectations are paramount. The challenges surrounding permissions management, particularly during user access reviews, are increasing due to regulatory expectations and the complexity of banking applications. In this blog post, we’ll explore the regulatory expectations, common exam findings, and best practices that can help your organization manage user access effectively while adhering to the principle of least privilege – limiting user access to only the resources necessary to perform their job functions.
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Step 5 – User Access Review Best Practices: Increase Maturity
The goal is to focus on increasing standardization to develop a more mature and routine approach to user access reviews by focusing on three key areas.
Step 4 – User Access Review Best Practices: Review System Access and Permissions
Step Four in the FINOSEC user access review best practice series is to ensure users who have access to your systems have legitimate duties that justify not only access but their specific permissions for those systems.
Step 3 – User Access Review Best Practices: Risk Rate Systems & Access
user access review best practices series is to rate and prioritize the system risks you identified as the most important systems