Partnering for Peace of Mind and Effective Oversight

Case Study
Pendleton Community Bank
Pendleton Community Bank, a $700 Million Dollar Bank with 133 Employees in Franklin, WV, led by CEO Bill Loving, faced a critical challenge when their Information Security Officer departed, leaving a significant void in their oversight capabilities. Their goal was clear: establish an effective process for information security governance and cybersecurity oversight to ensure compliance and peace of mind. This is the story of how Finosec partnered with Bill’s team at Pendleton Community Bank to meet these crucial objectives.

“Our partnership with Finosec was a game-changer. It gave us the process and tools we needed to strengthen our information security governance.”

The Problem

Pendleton Community Bank, nestled in the heart of West Virginia, is a vital community bank serving its community. However, when their Information Security Officer left the bank, they were suddenly confronted with a serious challenge. The absence of an oversight process left them exposed to potential cybersecurity threats and compliance risks. Bill Loving, CEO of the bank, needed a solution that could quickly fill this gap.

The Solution

Bill and his team turned to Finosec and their Governance 360 Platform, a comprehensive solution for compliance, risk management, and information security governance.

“I can't overstate the comfort I found in our partnership with Finosec Governance 360. It allowed me to focus on leading the bank, secure in the knowledge that our cybersecurity and information security governance were being handled professionally.”

Bill Loving

CEO, Pendleton Community Bank

Our Features

Simplified Reporting

Finosec’s focus on changes and privileged access has streamlined the user review process.

FFIEC Compliance

The solution is aligned with the FFIEC authentication guidelines, simplifying compliance maintenance.

Audit Preparedness

With Finosec, the bank is more effectively prepared for future exams and audits.

Finosec platform

The Results

Enhanced Information Security

The bank significantly improved its information security posture and met compliance requirements.

Peace of Mind

Bill Loving could focus on strategic leadership with the confidence that information security governance was in capable hands.

Automated Risk Assessment:

With Finosec Governance 360, Pendleton Community Bank automated the risk assessment process, reducing manual effort and ensuring a more comprehensive evaluation of risks.

User Access Reporting and Least Privilege Validation

The platform enabled the bank to establish user access reporting and validate least privilege access, strengthening their cybersecurity defenses.

Efficient Oversight

Finosec Governance 360 empowered the bank’s team to efficiently manage vendor relationships and assess controls.


Pendleton Community Bank’s journey with Finosec exemplifies the power of partnership in addressing critical challenges. By leveraging Finosec’s capabilities and expertise, they achieved greater information security, efficient oversight, and peace of mind for their CEO.

Bill concluded, “Our partnership with Finosec was a pivotal moment for our bank. We now have the tools, process, and peace of mind we need to navigate the complex landscape of information security and compliance.”

Finosec is committed to enabling community banks like Pendleton Community Bank to thrive by providing the necessary tools and guidance for a secure and compliant future.

What Makes Regi Ranger Different?

Unlike generic AI assistants, Regi Ranger is specifically trained in financial regulation and industry best practices. This ensures you receive information that’s directly relevant to your needs, saving you time sifting through irrelevant results and providing a level of accuracy you can trust.

Regi also curates and analyzes data from regulatory handbooks to deliver actionable insight and clear steps to strengthen your security posture.


The Benefits of Regi Ranger

When you’re preparing for exams, it’s easy to struggle with information overload and outdated resources. Regi Ranger will help you avoid these pitfalls. Here’s how:

Unmatched Accuracy

We built Regi’s vast repository from validated sources within regulatory handbooks, so you know the information is up-to-date and trustworthy.

Actionable Insight

Regi doesn’t just inform you, he empowers you. Get clear, actionable steps to strengthen your current policies and procedures.

Effortless Policy Creation

Streamline policy and procedure development with Regi’s user-friendly assistance.

Prioritized Information

Cut through the noise and misinformation that can come from using generative AI on your own. Regi sorts and delivers information based on your specific priorities and needs.

Confidence in Every Step

Approach exams with FINOSEC peace of mind, knowing you have the latest information and best practices at your fingertips.

It takes an overwhelming amount of time and resources for financial institutions to prepare for exams, remain in compliance, and keep up with the latest cybersecurity trends. Even with the fear of being unprepared for an exam, we understand the uncertainty and hesitation you may have toward AI.

Rest assured, Regi Ranger is built with security in mind, providing a safe and reliable source of information. With a few clicks, you’ll gain instant access to a wealth of security expertise that will position you to approach exams with confidence .

Stop Treading Water, Start Thriving

Don’t let exam preparation slow you down. With Regi Ranger and the FINOSEC Exam Readiness Dashboard, you’ll transform challenges into opportunities. Contact us to see Regi in action and discover how it can elevate your exam readiness and information security posture.

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